Monday, September 26, 2011

The other Boleyn Girl

So this book was a train wreck from start to finish. I could not put it down or look away. I don't know if I should tell everyone to read it or not. It is extremely well written, and really transports you back to the courts of Henry the 8th. I feel like I understand the history of that time from reading this story. But it is very trashy. It has everything it it, homosexuality, murder, adultery, incest, and more. You name it and this book has it, and it's actual history which is why it is hard to look away. It is actually the second in a series. I plan on reading the whole series after how well written this one was.


  1. You think the book is bad, I watched the movie. I couldn't stop but was cringing through the whole thing and when it was over I felt sick for a week!

  2. I just saw the movie last night, the book is way worse. So if the movie disturbed you that much don't read it.

  3. I had the same sentiments - loved, loved, loved the writing, the historical context, the story....but was also embarrassed to recommend because of some of the content. But I also did as you plan - read the whole series. Read the Constant Princess next, it doesn't have near the trash as TOBG. Also if you plan to read the stories of Henry's other wives, look online to see the order. I read them kind of out of order which made it a bit more difficult to follow. But this series has intrigued me to the Tudor period.
