Monday, September 20, 2010

Ugglies/Pretties/ Specials

This is one of my Favorite series! I know I have already suggested it to many of you. It is ok for readers I think 13 and up! Nothing really graphic or bad language sticks in my mind. It is about a futuristic world where the government alters everyone at the age of 15 to act and look a certain way. This series is about a small group that rebels. It is really good. But do not read the Extra's! It has nothing to do with the plot of the other three and it is stupid! But the other three are a must read!

1 comment:

  1. so funny you put this on today. i just finished pretties and go put on waiting list at library for specials. i should just buy them because i love them and just like to reread them also. (a great recommend from you!)
